Saturday 19 January 2019

A Finn after all? New information on the genetics of the Janakkala swordsman

The grave of the so called Janakkala swordsman, containing two swords, was found by metal detectorists in the autumn of 2013 . The grave has since been dated to the 14th century. Genetic research has revealed interesting information about the man and his genetic heritage.

The skull of the "Janakkala swordsman". Suomen Kuvalehti 27.12.2015.

The genetic heritage of the Janakkala swordsman is much like that of Finns today. According to osteoarchaeology professor Jan Storå from the university of Stockholm it is more probable that the man was from the area modern day Finland than that he was a warrior from some other European country.

The swords. Photo Simo Vanhatalo (Museovirasto).

According to Storå 30% of todays Finns belong to the same motherline as the swordsman (3% from the fatherline). According to Storå comparing genetic material from the 14th century to that of modern Finns is difficut because due to the lack of comparative material from other graves from the 14th century. 

The text above is a free translation of the article in "Karjalainen". Read the complete article (in Finnish) by clicking on the link below.

Thursday 17 January 2019


I projektet får barn i olika åldrar får bekanta sig med Kimitoöns förhistoria och arkeologiska utgrävningar under ledning av arkeologerna FM Jan Fast och FM Janne SoisaloArkeologerna besöker också skolorna före utgrävningen och berättar om Kimitoöns förhistoria, sitt jobb och metoder på både finska och svenska. Målgruppen är Kimitoöns 5. och 6. klassister i samtliga Kimitoöns skolor men även elever i andra årskurser kan delta!

Skoleleverna deltar i utgrävningen av den fascinerande 4000 år gamla sten-/bronsåldersboplatsen vid Ölmosviken under en veckas tid men det är inte allt. En projektblogg på svenska och finska skapas tillsammans med barnen. Utgrävningsfynden uppdateras dagligen i sociala media.

Projektet avslutas med ett ”Slutseminarium” då arkeologerna besöker skolorna och berättar om resultaten och Sagalunds museipedagog går igenom utgrävningsupplevelserna med barnen

Det blir också en utställning med utgrävningsfynd och olika elevarbeten med anknytning till projektet.

”Finn Din Forntid” finansieras av medel som beviljats av ”Suomen Kulttuurirahasto (”Mullankaivajat”). Arrangör är Sagalundsgillet rf.

Häng med på ett äventyr till stenåldern!

Sunday 13 January 2019

Register now! Community Archaeology Dig in Espoo 24-30.6.2019!

Just a reminder to all of you interested in the neolithic stone-age/corded ware culture. Between June 23 and June 26th there ill be a unique opportunity to participate in a community archaeology excavation in Espoo S. Finland.

No previous knowledge of archaeology is needed in order to participate and there is no age limit although youngsters under 14 years of age have to be accompanied by an adult.

Neolithic stone axe- ore macehead from Espoo depicting the head of an elk.

The excavation is organized by Esbo Arbetarinstitut so you need to register by clicking on the link below. The number of participants is limited to only 20 persons so please act fast!

Friday 11 January 2019

Only 3 spots left at the 2019 community archaeology excavation in Kouvola!!

The registration for the 2019 excavation in Kouvola (Elimäki) 7-9.6.2019 has been a huge success and now there are only three spots left! You need to act immediately to secure your spot at the very exiting excavation of an early comb ceramic dwelling site!

The place is of personal interest to me as I was the first one to inspect it as a young archaeology student back in 1988. It features in my biographical book "In the Footsteps of the Archaeologist" which will be completed in 2020.

The dwelling site still has an almost magical feel to it. With the forthcoming excavation and mapping work we hope to be able to better preserve it for future generations.

Act now and secure your participation by clicking on the link below! No previous knowledge of archaeology is necessary.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Archaeology dig in Porvoo, only 4 spots left!

There are only four of the 20 spots left at the Vävarsbacka II scientific community archaeology excavation i Porvoo!! The excavation of the stone-age dwelling site is from June 1st to June 5th 2019!

You can participate for one or all 5 days! No previous knowledge of archaeology is required!Please act now and secure a spot at this interesting excavation by registering through the link below.

Languages spoken during the excavation are Swedish, Finnish and English. See you in Porvoo in June!

Wednesday 2 January 2019

The registration for the 2019 archaeological excavation in Porvoo has started!!

The registration for the upcoming community archaeology dig of the neolithic dwelling site Vävarsbacka II in Porvoo has started! The excavation is from June 1st to June 5th 2019.

Last years dig "sold out" in a couple of days so act fast and secure a spot at this exiting dig by clicking on the link below. We speak Finnish, Swedish and English during the excavation.