Tuesday 21 November 2017

Join us in the research of stone-age Porvoo next summer! Registration starts January 2nd 2018!

Life in the stone-age. Illustration by Tom Björklund for Borgå Museum.

Thanks to the very active and friendly help from "Borgå Medborgarinstitut" me and archeologist MA Janne Soisalo are now entering the final stage of the preparations for next years community archaeology excavation in Porvoo, only some 50 km:s east of Helsinki. 

Hunting with bow and arrow. Illustration by Tom Björklund for Borgå Museum.

We have not yet decided on which site to start work on. The decision is an important one as we wish to continue the excavations in the area for many years. Excavating and careful mapping is crucial to protect the important stone-age sites for future research. 

A stone-age burial. Illustration by Tom Björklund for Borgå Museum.

A lecture for the participants and others with an interest in the rich stone-age history of the Porvoo region will be held in Porvoo on the 15th of May. The accompanying trial excavation of a stone-age dwelling site will be from the 8th to the 10th of June! No previous knowledge of archaeology is required in order to participate! Registration starts at 11 o´clock on the January 2nd 2018!!

Friday 17 November 2017

Raaseporin linnan rikolliset metallinetsijät, 500 e palkkio luvattu vihjeestä

 Raaseporin linna

Olen pöyristynyt. Raaseporin linnan läheisyydessä tapahtunut ryöstökaivaus (joka ilmeisesti tehtiin syyslomaviikon aikana) on osoittautunut paljon aluksi tiedettyä vakavammaksi. 

Satoja luvattomien metallinetsijöiden kuoppia "Slottsmalmenilla" 

Kaikkien apua tarvitaan nyt näiden rikollisten metallinetsijöiden kitkemiseksi arkeologian piiristä! Lasse Nyman on luvannut 500 e palkkion vihjeestä joka johtaa tekijöiden kiinnisaamiseen. Vihjeitä voi jättää myös tämän blogin kautta tai jfarchaeology@gmail.com.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Exciting community archaeology dig near Helsinki City Centre in 2018!

Fantastic news! It now seems almost certain that me and Janne Soisalo will conduct a community archaeology excavation of a neolithic stone age dwelling site in Helsinki (Pitäjänmäki) next summer (probably in May/June). 

Excavating a trial trench on the site (2004)

I have excavated this site previously in 1999-2004 and I can tell you it´s a very intersting place with a multitude of very interesting finds. The dig is part of my upcoming scientific article on community archaeology in the larger Helsinki area 1990-2017. 

Excavating the site in 2004.

The site is very close to Helsinki City Centre and easily accessible by both train and bus.
To make it possible for as many people as possible to participate, the excavation will take place on both weekdays and a weekend. No previous knowledge of archaeology is required.

Boxed potsherds from the 2014 excavation.

If you wish like to participate please email me at jfarchaeology@gmail.com or send me a message on FB.

Happy participants in 2004 :)