Saturday, 30 June 2018

Review of the "Durchgangslager Hangö 1942-1944" exhibition in Hanko Museum

Yesterday I went to the Hanko museum to watch the new conflict archaeology exhibition "Durchgangslager Hangö 1942-1944". I found the exhibition very well designed and visually appealing. Not too much not too little.

I found it more focused on the human perspective rather than the strictly military, which it makes more easy, more attractive and more understandable for the target audience, which is not strictly military but much wider.

People that know what is in the box with the old cartridges doesn´t need any explanation, the ones that they don´t know, they are not interested either.

Also the exhibition makes very clear what kind of items you can find there if you go digging: broken common items and very rusty cans, items without "commercial interest", which will discourage people to dig illegally.

A detailed operational map with the front lines and the position of the units that went trough the camp and their names, are not necessary since it is a museum but not a war museum, so the human dimension and the strength of the photos, Gerd´s history and the pictures that shows mostly kids rather than victorious Arian heroes from Signal magazines, helps to make people get closer to the history of the camp.

I observed some families with kids and retired people reading, watching, with a big curiosity and respect.

I got the information book in English! 🙂It is very well made, explains everything, it is in a small format, all the info on the big pictures and good photos, easy to read and to keep, and at a very affordable price.

There is only two references to the SS in the exposition, and both are the same, the photo of one soldier. I found the decision to be a good one, if someone is interested, Internet nowadays explains everything, not necessary give to them more protagonism.


Jose Antonio Botella.

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