Wednesday 4 May 2022

Day 3/10 of excavating of general Sergei Kabanovs underground command post in Hanko S. Finland.

Today after much hard work we finally managed to find the NW corner of the masive underground command post. This means that we finally know what part of the structure we are excavating.

Archaeologist MA Jaakko Ervasti and Charles Pauley clearing the northern wall of the command post.

It seems we are mostly in the area of the operative room with general Kabanovs sleeping quarters, the radio room and other smaller rooms still burried under over 1,5 m. of sand on the southern side of the underground structure

Archaeologist Teemu Väisänen has just located the NW corner of the underground structure!

With having found the corner of the building it will now be much esier to continue excavating the remains in  2022-2023, Tomorrow we will continue excavating the westernmost part of the buílding as well as digging into its NE areas.

The NE entrance of General Kabanovs underground command post photographed spmetime between 1942 and 1944.

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